View Profile JohnBosson

8 Movie Reviews

1 w/ Responses

The animation was nice.

I didn't laugh too hard. It was amusing though. I like the animation style, keep that up.

DonkeysBazooka responds:

ok, thank you


I like Worms, and I liked this. It was well animated, witty, and, well, amusing. Good work.

That was... aight...

It has been done before and better, but it was still amusing. The gay voice was not only obnoxious, but really unnecessary and it just got on my nerves. The first few seconds of the freak out were funny, then it just got old. Final joke was good though. Keep it up!

It was satisfying.

I thought it was just going to be another noob animation but I was suprised. It was fluid and had nice use of V-cam. I also liked the little humor jabs here and there, but it kills me to see bad grammar. If you care that much I would change that. Can't wait to see the real thing. Good work.

Take it from me and a lot of other people:

Do not give up! If you give up you are only proving to yourself that you have no chance ever but you do! Keep making flashes like these and listen to the criticism others give. Keep submitting and don't get down if one doesn't make it.

Now the art was quite unattractive. Start by making everything line up and have the movements in the animation more slow and realistic. Maybe a higher frame rate? Keep working buddy, you'll become better if you try.

Very Orriginal

Keep it up that was great!

Bravo Gene.

Beautiful, sassy, and kick ass all in one. You deserve a rest after this man.

john bosson @JohnBosson


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